Sunday, August 2, 2009

Espers - II - 2006

Quality: CBR 320 kbps (incl. covers for jewel case)
Label: Drag City, DC310CD, US / Wichita, WEBB110CD, UK

01 Dead Queen
02 Widow's Weed
03 Cruel Storm
04 Children of Stone
05 Mansfield & Cyclops
06 Dead King
07 Moon Occults the Sun

Performer: Meg Baird, Helena Espvall, Otto Hauser, Brooke Sietinsons, Chris Smith, Greg Weeks
Featuring: Alex Abrash, Jesse Sparhawk, Willie Lane, Gary Olsen, Lord Whimsey and Paul Sommerstein, Esq.
Instruments: Martin 6-string acoustic guitars, male & female larynx, Fender Jazz Bass, cello, recorder, flute (as played by Laura Baird), sleigh bells, gongs, bells, '78 Les Paul Custom, Space Echo, Echoplex, Crumar Toccata, Crumar Performer, Univox Mini-Korg, dulcimer, Yamaha 12-string acoustic guitar, Arp Odyssey, Omnichord, Doric transistorised organ, singing bowels, drum kit, doumbek, dholak, bongos, Crybaby, Blue Box, Big Muff (Russian), and Fuzzrite.


Dionysis said...

You where right, these tracks where better quality than mine.

Espers are awesome!!

Keep up the good work, dude!!!

Greetings from Greece!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks dude.

drakonium said...

Hello! For some reason I can't find any links on the page... Is this still downloadable? Thanks a lot anyway, have a nice day! :D

graaf24 said...

Hi drakonium,
all links are still active. But, please read disclaimer (right top)on this site.
Have nice day too!

Unknown said...

Greetings from rainy Nottingham! Is it possible to send me the link to this masterpiece? Many thanks in advance!

graaf24 said...

Yes, I will sent link to you if you give to me valid e-mail address (take a look on the disclaimer, right top corners).

graaf24 said...

DJ PURESBLUT please take look on your inbox and spam folder too!!!

Kilgore Trout said...

Great band!

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